
How It All Started
DocTalk was formed to help YOU--the patient!
Ajinkya and Mike have been directly exposed to patient care for several years and keep seeing first hand the challenges faced by patients and physicians and the commoditization and depersonalization of medicine.
We don't want to just be 'providers' following 'protocols' and providing one size fits all medicine. Our goal is to spend time with you and attempt to give you genuine help and knowledge, something we feel challenged to do as well as we would like in our traditional practice.

At DocTalk, we recognize that actual time spent with a physician in discussion is something patients really miss in today's healthcare system . We strongly believe that this precious time is essential for building a strong doctor-patient relationship that leads to better healthcare outcomes fostered by better patient understanding. We want you to get that time back!
DocTalk aims to give you just this ability to spend time with actual experienced physicians and get answers to your health questions in a relaxed pressure free environment. Knowledge is power!
We at DocTalk hope to empower you to to take an active role in your health. We believe understanding the "why and how" of medical jargon related to your heath will actually motivate you to lead a healthier life. We also feel it will help foster a much more productive and meaningful relationship between you and your primary physicians!
Join us in our mission to improve healthcare outcomes by enhancing the doctor-patient relationship and providing patients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health.
Welcome to DocTalk!

DocTalk was born out of the idea of trying to provide something to patients that modern medicine has lost, namely genuine empathy and willingness to give you all the time and personal explanation that you deserve . We want you to feel special and cared for-not just a name on a list.
We aim to change the way healthcare is delivered to you through telehealth. Equipped with a combined knowledge of almost 30 years of clinical experience, our vision is to encompass medical expertise with unparalleled communication without the time constraints of a hospital or limitations of insurance. By leveraging telehealth technology, we are able to bring a seamless patient-centric experience to our customers. This will allow us to return to the doctor-patient relationship with an emphasis on empathy, understanding and efficient communication.